Monday, January 28, 2013

Great Crossover from Pack 165 tonight!

4 of Pack 165's Webelos crossed over to our troop tonight - woohoo!  Our older scouts welcomed them by changing out their epaulets and scarves and Scoutmaster Doug Clemens presented them with the Boy Scout handbooks they will be using along the trail to Eagle Scout.  These 4 scouts all earned their Arrows of Light and look to be good Boy Scouts, so be sure and welcome them when you see them. 

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Pics from the January campout

Our scouts had a great time hiking down at Camp Thunder this weekend.  Click here to see more pictures from the campout.

PU up scouts at 12:00pm Sunday

Everyone should be back from the campout around 12:00pm Sunday.  Please be sure and pick up your son promptly so the parents can go home, too!  Thanks...

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Troop mtg Tuesday night

Normal troop meeting at the Scout Hut Tuesday night at 7:00pm.  Sign-ups and payment for the January campout down at Lawhorn Scout Base are due Tuesday night, so be sure and get the form and paperwork in.  We'll see you there! 

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Good Pinewood Test&Tune today!

Troop 165 held it's annual Pinewood Test&Tune on 1/12/13. The boys that came out to run their cars on the track had a great time and were able to work out some of the bugs. Good job!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Pinewood Test&Tune this Saturday 1/12 9:00am-12:00pm

Troop 165's annual Pinewood Test&Tune will be this Saturday from 9:00am until around 12:00pm.  We are looking forward to a good turnout from Pack 165 and any other Packs that would like to come and run their Pinewood Derby cars on our aluminum track at the scout hut.  No competitions, just fun running your car on the track to make sure it's ready to race. 

We look forward to seeing you at the scout hut! 
(Click here for directions :-)


2 meetings this week

OK, everybody, welcome to 2013!  We are getting back in to the "routine" by having meetings this week. 

Our monthly committee meeting is Monday 1/7/13 at 7:00pm via telephone conference.  Ask Scoutmaster Doug or Committee Chair Chris Smith for the number and passcode. 

And Tuesday night is our regularly scheduled troop meeting at 7:00pm at the scout hut.  The scouts need to be in Class A uniforms unless otherwise advised by the Senior Patrol Leader.  If your son signed up for a Board of Review it will happen Tuesday night (we'll need some parents available to help sit on the board with our Committee Chair). 

Summer camp $75 deposits are due on 1/8/13.  Summer camp will be at Raven Knob Scout Reservation again this year, a place that has been awesome every year that we have gone.  Everything is well-planned, the staff there has run the camp for years, and the boys love the activities and location.  Sign up and make your deposit this Tuesday night! 

Note:  We will need adults to go on this with us, so if you could select your summer leave and be available to go with us we would appreciate it.  Please talk to Scoutmaster Doug Clemens or Committee Chair Chris Smith about this great opportunity to help the Troop! 

Thanks, and we look forward to talking to you and seeing you this week! 

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Summer camp $75 deposit due 1/8

Our summer camp at Raven Knob is one of the most awesome summer camps out there.  It's time to make the deposits of money with the Raven Knob people so the boys can be all set for camp this summer. 

Please turn in your $75 deposit by 1/8 to make sure your son can go to scout camp.  If you will be using money from your scout account please fill out the scout account use form so our treasurer can keep track of how the money needs to be moved around and accounted for.

If you have any questions contact Mr. Doug or the Swindells.  Thanks!