Sunday, February 10, 2013

Great climbing and rappelling campout!

The boys of Troop 165 joined with Troop 62 and Troop 64 for a great climbing and rappelling campout down at the Gerald I. Lawhorn Scout Base this weekend.  The had a great time climbing up and rappelling down the 60 foot tall wall they have down there, and many of our scouts got to zip line in the dark Saturday night!  Everybody stayed warm despite the cold temperatures at night (32, brrrr), and the boys all came back to the scout hut tired but happy.  ASPL Robbie did a great job leading the boys through the many activities of the weekend, and everybody ate well.

Many, many thanks to Doug Clemens, Aaron Roberts, and David Wamer for going with the boys on this campout!  (Check back for more pictures and maybe a video from the campout soon...)

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Committee mtg Monday, Troop mtg Tuesday

Look forward to seeing you and talking to you this week!  Contact Nathaniel or Doug if you have questions.