Sunday, July 13, 2014

I didn't think about sending it out before the summer camp break. Anyway the signup form for the July campout is clickable on the calendar. We will be going to a local lake and camping, canoeing and fishing. We will try to complete the fishing merit badge also. The worksheet for that badge is Scouts will need that worksheet, also if the Scouts could practice those knots on the worksheet that will speed up that part of earning the badge. Scouts will need tents and standard dump camping equipment, chairs, swimtrunks, water shoes sunscreen and bug spray. They will cook as Patrols. The cost is $15 to cover food. Gas donations to the drivers are always appreciated.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Join Troop 165 at Robbys' Eagle Ceremony

Save the date!!! Sunday August 17th 2 to 4 pm at the Ted Strickland Community Center in Stockbridge. Becoming an Eagle Scout is something only 2 out of every 100 Scouts will accomplish. Join us in celebrating Robby and all of his hard work. Scouts that want to help with the ceremony will need to be at the July 15th Troop meeting.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

We survived Summer camp

We made it!! Thanks to all the Adults that made this happen. The Scouts had a blast!!! Look for details at our Court of Honor. Remember no meetings for two weeks. We will NOT meet on July1st or 8th. Resume regular meetings on July 15th.